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Congratulations to our talented project search graduates

Students holding their scriptures in project search graduation ceremony

A programme helping young people with learning disabilities gain vital skills and prepare for the workplace is celebrating 10 years since it started and the most recent round of graduates.

This week, Project Search alumni who started working at Whipps Cross Hospital 10 years ago and this year’s graduates from St Bartholomew’s Hospital, came together with family, colleagues and employers to celebrate their achievements.

Over 50 young adults with learning disabilities attended the ceremony at The Royal London Hospital to celebrate completing placements and employment milestones at Barts Health through Project Search, a life-changing transition-to-work programme that helps young people gain practical skills in all kinds of roles.

Jay, 17 from London, who took part in the Supported Internship Programme at St Bartholmew’s Hospital, said: “Project Search is not just a programme, it’s like a second home. It gives young adults a purpose even if you don’t think you have one. I want to say a massive thank you to my mentor and the whole team at the hospital who have helped me make the man I am today. They have helped make my dreams a reality, making me valued and equal.”

Jess, who started in the programme 10 years ago and is now in full time employment at Whipps Cross Hospital, said: “My journey in this programme has been great and interesting. My first role was in the catering team in the Elior restaurant. I then went on to gain experience in auditing in the outpatient department. I have learnt a lot along the way, and learnt to believe in myself. I know work as a receptionist for the outpatient department, and I am very proud of myself for what I have achieved.”

With only4.8% of people with special educational needs or disabilities in England being in paid employment, this pioneering supported internship programme involves total workplace immersion for young adults with a learning disability, facilitating a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration, and hands-on skills training across all hospital floors and departments.

Project Search began it’s first rotation at Barts Health in Whipps Cross Hospital in September 2013. In 2022, St Bartholomew’s Hospital joined the programme and celebrated their first graduation last year. We are happy to announce that from September 2024, we will be welcoming our first cohort of Project Search students at The Royal London Hospital.

Justin Creigh, Deputy Chief Executive at St Bartholomew’s Hospital said: “I would like to congratulate all of our interns graduating this year and wish them the very best for the future. They have been an essential part of our workforce and I am delighted that our hospitals have been part of their employment journey.

“We look forward to welcoming our new cohorts and beginning the project search programme at The Royal London Hospital from September this year. I hope Barts Health can continue to be a place where they develop their skills, talents and confidence and grow as individuals”


DFN Project SEARCH works to build a more inclusive society by helping to create much-improved career opportunities for those with learning disabilities and autism. You can learn more about DFN Project SEARCH supported internship model at: 


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  1. Adeshola Akanji Wednesday, 10 July 2024 at 02:27 PM

    Congratulations to Project SEARCH. Well done to Janet and the Project SERACH team and graduates

  2. Syeda Rahman Wednesday, 10 July 2024 at 02:51 PM

    Fantastic project,
    congrats and well don to the interns !!!!

  3. Shuhana Sharmin Thursday, 11 July 2024 at 09:21 AM

    Congratulations to the graduates! Wishing them all the best with their future endeavors.
    Well done, Project SEARCH team, amazing work as always!

  4. Saeedul Haque Thursday, 11 July 2024 at 03:53 PM

    Well done interns. A massive thank you to Janet and Vivienne to everything you do and to also to every department for taking these interns under there wing.
    So glad to hear we might be getting interns at RLH !
    Many thanks
    Saeedul Haque
    Project Search Ambassador!

  5. Yetunde Lawal-Adeyemi Friday, 12 July 2024 at 09:59 AM

    Good job everyone!

  6. Nancy Whiskin Friday, 12 July 2024 at 01:45 PM

    I am so sorry I couldn't make it. :(
    Many congratulations to all the interns and so much praise for the work of Janet, Vivienne and Jordan.
    Everyone has skills to offer and everyone needs to feel valued for those skills. A fantastic programme.

  7. Kemi Bamishaye Friday, 12 July 2024 at 03:15 PM

    Fantastic work from Project SEARCH! Great to see young people achieving and being celebrated! All the best to each of them and to everyone who supports them to achieve in the world of work.

  8. Christine Fairclough Friday, 12 July 2024 at 04:30 PM

    Congratulations to all the interns and to everyone who make the day possible. All the best, and continue with the amazing work you all are doing.

  9. Rajesh Dewan Sunday, 14 July 2024 at 09:06 AM

    Really great programme, absolutely delighted that we’ll have RLH cohort starting with us in Sept-24 HR People Partner @RLH for ECAT and Childrens

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