Fast facts
Barts Health is made up of five hospitals; St Bartholomew’s Hospital in the City, The Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel, Newham Hospital in Plaistow, Whipps Cross Hospital in Leytonstone and Mile End Hospital.
Barts Health is made up of five hospitals; St Bartholomew’s Hospital in the City, The Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel, Newham Hospital in Plaistow, Whipps Cross Hospital in Leytonstone and Mile End Hospital.
Our Trust:
St Bartholomew's Hospital
An internationally renowned teaching hospital in the City of London, close to St Paul's Cathedral which:
The Royal London Hospital
A leading, internationally renowned teaching hospital based in east London. We offer a full range of local and specialist services, which includes one of the largest children's hospitals in the UK, with one of London's busiest paediatric A&E departments.
It is:
Mile End Hospital
Whipps Cross Hospital
Opened in 1903 and offers a full provision of general inpatient, outpatient and day case services, as well as maternity, A&E and urgent care.
Between April 2022-March 2023 at Whipps Cross Hospital:
Newham Hospital
Based at the heart of the local community, Newham Hospital serves and cares for one of the most diverse populations in England.
The hospital celebrated 40 years in 2023.