Our commitment to patients

These five statements describe our commitment to patients. All staff, in all roles, use them to help ensure that we listen to patients and deliver excellent patient experiences for all. 

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Our vision and values

Our WeCare values shape everything that we do, every single day. They are visible in every interaction we have with each other, our patients, their families and our partners.

WeCare about everything from the appointment letters our patients receive, to the state of our facilities when they walk through the door, to the care and compassion they receive when they are discharged.

We have come a long way on our journey to delivering safe and compassionate care. By embracing these values as the way we behave around here, we will achieve our ambition for excellence.

Our vision: to be a high performing group of NHS hospitals, renowned for excellence and innovation and providing safe and compassionate care to our patients in east London and beyond.


Welcoming icon Behaviours

  • Introduce yourself by saying “Hello, my name is …"
  • Smile and acknowledge the other person(s) presence
  • Treat others as you would wish others to treat you
  • Ensure the environment is safe and pleasant for our patients, our colleagues and our visitors


Engaging icon Behaviours

  • Get involved in making improvements and bring others with you
  • Encourage feedback from patients and colleagues and respond to it
  • Use feedback to make improvements, and empower colleagues to do this without needing to seek permission
  • Appreciate that this may be a new experience for patients and colleagues; help them to become comfortable
  • Acknowledge efforts and successes; say thank you


Collaborative icon Behaviours

  • Give time and energy to developing relationships within and outside own team
  • Demonstrate pride in Team Barts Health
  • Respect and utilise the expertise of colleagues
  • Know your own and others' part in the plan


Accountable icon Behaviours

  • Always strive for the highest possible standard
  • Fulfil all commitments made to colleagues, supervisors, patients and customers
  • Admit mistakes, misjudgments, or errors; immediately inform others when unable to meet a commitment; don't be afraid to speak up to do the right thing
  • Do not pretend to have all the answers; actively seek out those who can help
  • Take personal responsibility for tough decisions and see efforts through to completion


Respectful icon Behaviours

  • Be helpful, courteous and patient
  • Remain calm, measured and balanced in challenging situations
  • Show sensitivity to others' needs and be aware of your own impact
  • Encourage others to talk openly and share their concerns


Equitable icon Behaviours

  • Value the perspectives and contributions of all and that all backgrounds are respected
  • Recognise that individuals may have different strengths and needs, and that different cultures may impact how people think and behave. Be curious to find out
  • Work to enact policies, procedures and processes fairly
  • Be open to change and encourage open, honest conversation that helps foster an inclusive work and learning environment
  • Remember that we all have conscious and unconscious bias; get to know what yours are, and work to mitigate them