Get Winter Strong | Our news

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Get Winter Strong

As we approach the colder months, we face the arrival of a new COVID-19 variant along with the seasonal flu. 

We're here to share crucial information about the available vaccines this year: 

Taking up both the flu and COVID-19 vaccines ahead of winter provides the best level of protection against severe illness and will help ease the pressure on the NHS this winter. 

Vaccines play a vital role in reducing the spread and severity of infections. By getting vaccinated, you're not just protecting yourself but also those you care about—your family, friends, and those you look after. 

All eligible adults are urged to book their flu and COVID-19 vaccines online via the NHS website, by downloading the NHS App, or by calling 119 for free if they can’t get online, to give themselves the best protection against severe illness and hospitalisation. 

Parents of children aged 2 and 3 should book a nasal spray flu vaccine for their child at their local GP surgery. 

The school programme also began in early September, with those aged 4 up to the age of 16 (school year 11) being offered a nasal spray vaccine, or an injection if this is unsuitable.  

It is important young people take up the vaccine as it protects the child themselves and helps stop the spread to vulnerable people around them, including babies, grandparents and people with weak immune systems. 

We understand that deciding to get vaccinated is a personal choice. If you have any concerns about vaccine safety, we encourage you to explore the information available to you: 

It's not just about your health; it's about the health of the whole community. If you've chosen not to get vaccinated previously, we urge you to reconsider this year. alistair chesser

Check your eligibility and book online  

Take care and stay healthy, 


Alistair Chesser 
Group Chief Medical Officer, Barts Health NHS Trust 



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