AHPs Day special: 60 seconds with Rebecca Duckers, Radiographer at Barts | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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AHPs Day special: 60 seconds with Rebecca Duckers, Radiographer at Barts

What is your job title?
Senior Radiographer

What does being an AHP mean to you?
Helping people every day and working alongside other specialties to provide the best care for patients.

What attracted you to becoming a Radiographer?
There are lots of opportunities and pathways, which make it a really exciting and interesting profession.

How did you become a radiogapher?
After my A-levels I did a BSc degree in Radiography, but there are lots of different ways into the profession.

What would you tell someone who is thinking of becoming a Radiographer?
Do it! It’s really rewarding. Once you’re qualified, there are lots of options available to you.

If you could do another AHP role for a day, what role would it be and why?
A paramedic, to be at the forefront of emergency medicine.  


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