60 seconds with... Shalom Lumanlan for Organ Donation Week | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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60 seconds with... Shalom Lumanlan for Organ Donation Week

What is your job role and how are you involved in organ donation?

I am part of a team of Specialist Nurses for Organ Donation whose role is to speak with recently bereaved families and empathetically discuss end of life care with them and the potential for organ donation. This includes giving them all the right information and dispelling myths surrounding the subject. We make sure families make the right decision in this highly emotional moment. 

We provide the highest level of care and show the utmost dignity to donors and their families. The donor’s legacy is their gift of life to others. Knowing their loved one has helped rebuild someone’s life is a huge support and comfort to newly bereaved families. We ensure the next of kin arrives at the best decision for them during an emotional and distressing period.

Our role doesn’t end there though; we continue to support families to keep them informed of the benefit their decision has made to someone else’s life.

How can all staff be involved with organ donation?

Our role as Specialist Nurse for Organ Donation is to encourage multidisciplinary teams to view organ donation within the context of end of life care. This includes early referrals to our team, explaining how patients can potentially help others by donating one or more of their organs. Our team works towards encouraging all staff to help raise awareness of the wonderful gift of organ donation.

What does organ donation mean to you?

I view organ donation as giving a gift life. I’ve witnessed families go above and beyond their own emotional needs when they decide to donate their loved one’s organs. For me, this is completely selfless and becomes an incredible offering at the end of someone’s life. The donor’s families are incredibly special and it’s an honour to help guide and support them through end of life care during such a difficult time.

What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is when I know I have done my best by the donor and their loved ones by helping facilitate someone else receiving a life changing and saving transplant.

What would you say to someone thinking of joining the Organ Donor Register?

Signing up the Organ Donor Register is just one step and with the opt out and the NHS Blood and Transplant #passiton campaign shows it’s really important to have these discussions. Talking to your friends and family about your decision is so important so sign up and share your decision!

Shalom Lumanlan

Specialist Nurse Organ Donation

London Organ Donation Services Team


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