60 Seconds with… Emma Senyard, reflections on the Royal London expansion | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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60 Seconds with… Emma Senyard, reflections on the Royal London expansion

Emma Senyard

Reflections on the Royal London 14/15th Floor expansion

What was your role before the expansion, and what has been your role during the expansion?
Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic I was the Deputy Director of Nursing at Newham, having been in post since August 2019. Prior to this I was the Associate Director of Nursing for Surgery at the Royal London so was familiar with the hospital. I am an intensive care nurse by clinical background having spent 16 years of my career working clinically in critical care – mostly at the Royal London. I was redeployed to be part of the expansion project specifically relating to critical care nursing workforce and move planning.

What have you been responsible for?
During the expansion I’ve been leading on nursing workforce to deliver and optimise the safest possible care for patients based on professional judgement, incorporating advice from national leaders, and critical care networks and associations.

What has been your best highlight?
The highlight for me has been to see, what was a massive ask, the project come together with a focused, multi-professional team effort from all those involved. The hard work and dedication culminated in us moving patients in on Tuesday 5th May into what is an incredible facility.


How are you feeling now it’s completed?
The work is not over yet. We need to build workforce resilience for any future surges of Covid-19, and support the clinical teams in what are often incredibly challenging situations.


Tell us an interesting fact about the build.
Not sure about this one, apart from the incredible speed of the delivery of the project which has been amazing to be part of!

We have redeployed in the region of 300 staff from other clinical areas, including dentistry, theatres, wards, ED, medical and nursing students. All have supported the delivery of this project and facilitated the resources needed to care for our patients.

This would not have been possible without the amazing ‘can do’ and flexible attitude of our staff who have tirelessly supported the care for patients in often very upsetting circumstances. We have more than doubled our critical care capacity in a short space of time, allowing a critical care bed for all patients who have needed them. The family support team led by Dr. Polly Fitch have been instrumental in facilitating family updates, Skype conversations, and supporting the team through what have been unprecedented times.


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