Supporting you after your birth

Supporting you after your birth

Support and information on baby feeding and sleep


Once you have your baby, our dedicated team of midwives and infant feeding advisors will provide you with one-to-one support to help you feed your baby.

It can take a while before you feel confident, especially if you are breastfeeding, but help is available from your midwife, health visitor or local breastfeeding support group.

The HENRY Early Infant Feeding team is also on hand to provide you with one-to-one support to help you feed your baby. Details on the times and venues for our community breast feeding clinics (under antenatal clinics)

Find out more about support in Waltham Forest . Please note that this service is currently only available for Waltham Forest residents only.

Safe sleep and baby carriers

If you’re looking for information on safe sleep, slings and baby carriers you can visit the websites below:


Tower Hamlets Baby Feeding Service

The Tower Hamlets Baby Feeding Service provides information and support for parents in Tower Hamlets during pregnancy and after they have had their baby. 

We currently provide support on the wards at The Royal London Hospital via online support groups, telephone calls and video calls. There is also in-person feeding support available in the community. We are a team of baby feeding specialists who speak several languages including Bengali, Sylheti and Somali.

Baby Feeding and Wellbeing Service Leaflet  

For updates on our service, please follow our team on Facebook or Twitter or visit the breastfeeding network.

Baby feeding support by phone or video call

We will call all Tower Hamlets parents when they are discharged from the hospital, birth centre or home birth team.

For support from 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday, please call the baby feeding specialist who called you, or phone the team on 07961 609 626. Leave a message and we will call you back no later than the next working day. We will provide support whatever age your baby is.

Out-of-hours baby feeding support 

  • The National Breastfeeding Helpline:0300 100 0212
  • Bengali/Sylheti helpline:0300 456 2421
  • You can contact these services between 9.30am and 9.30pm, 7 days a week.

In-person baby feeding support 

Local in-person baby feeding support is available at Tower Hamlets Children’s Centre and Barkantine Birth Centre. Please call 07961 609 626 for more information.

Online antenatal breastfeeding classes

Visit our Eventbrite page to book one of our online breastfeeding antenatal workshops when you are 32 -34 weeks pregnant.

Online antenatal colostrum harvesting session

Visit our Eventbrite page to book one of our antenatal colostrum harvesting sessions when you are around 36 weeks old. Information will be provided on how to express and store your colostrum to bring to the hospital when you go into labour.

This video may help.

Online baby feeding support group

Visit our Eventbrite page to book one of our postnatal online breastfeeding groups or email us.

Useful links

After a telephone consultation, we might direct you to some of these resources.

How to tell if breastfeeding is going well

Positioning and attachment

Other topics

The Barts Health tongue tie service is continuing. The baby feeding specialist will have up-to-date information and you can also call 020 3594 2592 or 07811 171 503.


  • Find out more about support in Waltham Forest . Please note that this service is currently only available for Waltham Forest residents only.