Whipps Cross consultant in race for Christmas number one, as Justin Bieber teams up with NHS choir | Stow-ries

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Whipps Cross consultant in race for Christmas number one, as Justin Bieber teams up with NHS choir

Five years since a battle in the UK Christmas single charts brought them together, Justin Bieber and the NHS Choir reunite for their first ever collaboration, a special new version of Bieber’s UK hit ‘Holy’.

The track will be released on Friday 18 December, with profits from the single being split between NHS Charities Together (which represents over 230 NHS charities) and the Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Charity in recognition of the extraordinary efforts of those on the medical frontline during the Coronavirus crisis.

Zoe Davies, a diabetes and endocrinology consultant at Whipps Cross, joined the Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Choir in 2012 where she did the majority of her training as a junior doctor. She featured as the female soloist at the start of the 2015 Christmas No1 hit 'A Bridge Over You' with the NHS Choir and beat Justin Bieber to the festive top spot.

Justin urged his fans to download the choir’s single rather than his own, writing on Twitter “So for 1 week it's ok not to be #1. Let's do the right thing & help them win. It's Christmas. @Choir_NHS good luck."

Zoe and the NHS Choir have joined forces with Justin and recorded the duet ‘Holy’ together as they go for the coveted chart position again to raise money for the NHS.
Holy album cover

Justin said he was “humbled“ to team up with the Choir which will raise money for NHS workers on the Covid frontline.

"Especially in these difficult times, I’m humbled to team up with them for a charity single that will benefit NHS workers on the frontlines of this pandemic and pay tribute to their unbelievable dedication.”

Zoe also featured in national coverage in the Mirror yesterday about the campaign.

Speaking to the Mirror, Zoe said: “Justin and his team remembered what happened with Christmas number one and with everything that’s happened this year with Covid 19, they really wanted to do something special. So his people talked to our people!”

"Seriously I remember joking about us doing a duet and now it’s happening. I just feel incredibly lucky and grateful for the opportunities the choir has given me. Not only have I had the chance to promote the NHS but it really has been live-changing for me.”

Zoe said getting to Number One would be the perfect boost for those working in the NHS and on the frontline.

Click here to see a short preview of the single on twitter and give the NHS Choir a follow. Use the hashtag #NHSBieber4XmasNo1 and tag in @NHSCharities and @LG_NHS.

‘Holy’ by Justin Bieber and Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Choir is available this Friday 18 December.

Zoe and Tom picture

Choir members and married couple Zoe Davies and Tom Jackson are part of the Choir 



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