Stronger together - Establishing a Community Forum | Stow-ries

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Stronger together - Establishing a Community Forum

Artists impression of front of new Whipps Cross Hospital

In November 2020, Whipps Cross Hospital had an ambition to create a Community Forum to support a stronger relationship between the hospital and the communities it serves. The redevelopment was the catalyst for the Forum, but it is part of a longer-term ambition for the hospital and its role within the community. The Forum is a useful platform for helping the hospital to reach a variety of communities and vice versa and to encourage sharing knowledge and learnings.

Fast forward seven months and the Forum is now up and running! It has 15 members made up of community engagement specialists from Waltham Forest, Redbridge and Epping Forest - who are able to represent and reach out to much broader communities and interest groups – as well as hospital colleagues. It meets as a full group every other month and smaller teams meet more regularly to work alongside hospital colleagues to take forward actions and ideas from the Forum. 

Locality, a national network supporting community organisations to be strong and successful, is supporting Whipps Cross to set up the Community Forum.

Althea and Alex quotes

Community Forum Member Organisations:

  • Healthwatch Redbridge (Patients)
  • Healthwatch Waltham Forest
  • Redbridge and Waltham Forest CVS
  • Whipps Cross Redevelopment Community Engagement Action Group
  • Waltham Forest Citizens UK
  • NHS CCG Waltham Forest
  • Waltham Forest Council - Connected Communities Team
  • Epping Forest District Council
  • Carers First
  • NHS NE London CCG

To find out more about the Whipps Cross Hospital Redevelopment visit

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