Rainbows for Acorn Ward

Rainbow drawings have been popping up all over Whipps Cross Hospital’s children’s ward in support of staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, and they were created by our young patients.
Inspired by the national trend where children have been showing their love and support for NHS staff by displaying rainbow paintings in their windows, play workers Charlotte Blackett and Sue Malam decided they would incorporate this idea into the children’s therapeutic play sessions and display the rainbow drawings on the ward, as well as give them to nurses to take home.
There has been a lot of positive feedback about the rainbows, with staff members saying how it has made their day. Charlotte said of the project: “We wanted to bring a little bit of cheer and colour to the ward in this uncertain time.”
They’ve also produced a large rainbow that’s been displayed outside Acorn Ward for staff and patients to write messages of support to Whipps Cross staff during this time. Sue commented “It was so encouraging to see people stopping to read the messages. The idea has really been embraced by the staff and they’ve been so enthusiastic about adding their comments.”
If you spot a rainbow anywhere in Whipps Cross Hospital, please tweet us @WhippsCrossHosp and we will share!