Planning application approved for new hospital at Whipps Cross | Stow-ries

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Planning application approved for new hospital at Whipps Cross

Whipps Cross Aerial View of redevelopment plans

The planning applications for the new hospital at Whipps Cross were approved by the Waltham Forest Council planning committee last night, 24 November.

We submitted two outline planning applications: one application for the hospital and car park, and another application for the wider site.

This is another big milestone for the programme, getting us even closer to building the brand new state-of-the-art hospital at Whipps Cross.

The future Whipps Cross Hospital will provide all the current core NHS hospital services you’d expect – A&E, maternity, operating theatres, intensive care, imaging, inpatients and outpatients – in new, modern facilities

With more clinical space and more care provided on the same day to reduce the need for admissions, the hospital will provide a better experience for patients and staff.

Alwen Williams, group chief executive said

“This is an exciting milestone taking us even closer towards building the new hospital at Whipps Cross that local people so deserve. It is the culmination of a lot of hard work by our staff, as well as valuable input from local people in developing the plans.”

Cllr Simon Miller, cabinet member for economic growth and housing development, said:

“We are delighted with the decision at the planning committee. Residents deserve a fair deal for Whipps Cross and the hospital is in desperate need of redevelopment. It’s fantastic that the wider development plans will involve new green, public spaces, and other flood mitigations in place, after the devastating impact of flooding to Whipps in July. Once completed, residents will have a state-of-the-art hospital they deserve.”

The application will now be referred to the Mayor of London for Stage 2 final approval and completion of the legal agreements, with a decision expected in early 2022.

We are also continuing to work with the Government’s New Hospitals Programme to finalise the Outline Business Case. Subject to planning and business case approvals, we expect completion of the new hospital by the end of 2026.

There’s progress on site too. Nearly all the buildings in the disused corner of the site have been demolished, including the former nurses’ accommodation buildings and the iconic chimney.

The redevelopment offers a historic opportunity to replace an ageing and sprawling estate with a brand new hospital, and to transform the wider Whipps Cross site with new homes, new green and public spaces, and other health and care services and community facilities.

The current hospital will remain fully operational during the demolition and construction process. No hospital services will be affected. 

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