Pebbles of cheer – The surprise gifts popping up on desks at Whipps Cross

Staff have been surprised and happy to receive ‘pebbles of cheer’ to say thank you for all of their hard work during the pandemic.
Ghislaine Stephenson, Associate Director of Nursing for children and young people at Whipps Cross Hospital was inspired to source pretty painted pebbles with messages of joy, and hand them out to well deserving colleagues across the hospital.
The stones have been donated by a kind lady who lives in Harlow who is housebound. She wanted to feel that she was contributing in any way she could – so she decided to paint the pebbles for Whipps Cross staff.
The pebbles include pictures of everything from rainbows, nurses hats, sunflowers, ladybirds and the hashtag ‘never stop caring’.
Ghislaine said: “I wanted staff to have a little something that they can put on their desk and remember the pandemic for the right reasons. I wanted them to know that everyone is so thankful for the work they are all doing, so I’ve been sneaking into offices and leaving them on desks as a nice surprise! I want these to reach all staff groups – particularly those who don’t always get the recognition they deserve as they aren’t on the frontline. People have really appreciated being recognised for the part they’re playing in the wider picture.”
A staff member who received one of the pebbles posted on Twitter: ‘Thank you @WXPaediatrics for these precious stones! #neverstopcaring’
Ghislaine will be receiving more of these delightful pebbles in the weeks to come, so don’t worry if you haven’t received yours yet!