Patient praises our Same Day Emergency Care Service

"What Whipps Cross has done for me over the last two days has been outstanding.
On Friday morning I woke up with some pain on my left eye and the next day my vision was blurred but I thought I was just tired. On Sunday I woke up and the pain was much worse, so I got an eye test and was told to go straight to A&E at Whipps Cross and they booked me in for an eye emergency until the next day at 8:30am.
On Sunday evening my condition worsen and Monday morning was even worse so I went to my emergency appointment and I was there for two hours, they did all the tests and was told that I needed a scan at the back of the eye. The doctor told me that my optic nerve was not how it supposed to be and he sent me to Same Day Emergency Care service (SDEC) and also mentioned that I might have Multiple sclerosis (MS).
I went over to SDEC and everyone was so lovely. I got an MRI done and the doctors told my husband the devastating news that I had some lesions and abnormality confirming that I had MS. The doctor booked me for a lumbar puncture and again I had a great experience, everyone was very lovely and patient to explain everything to me.
I don’t know if I will get my eyesight back in the left eye but I’m on high steroids to help swelling.
The doctors and staff tried so hard to do what they could over those two days so I have to take my hat off to them for all their help and care they provided me with."
Thank you so much,