NHS couples: meet Sarah and Mark | Stow-ries

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NHS couples: meet Sarah and Mark

Mark and Sarah WXH

Sarah and Mark share their love story and how they met 20 years ago in the NHS...

"We met at work about 20 years ago, back then we both used to work in the St Andrews plastic surgery and burns theatres at Broomfield Hospital in Essex.

Sarah was a newly qualified nurse and Mark at the time was a health care support worker and while working together we became friends and decided to go travelling together. We both left our jobs and headed off to Australia!

A few years later, we came back to the UK as a couple with Sarah being pregnant with our first child.

Now we are married with two children and we are both working at the same trust again, both at Whipps Cross Hospital. A great job opportunity came about for Sarah so she applied for the job and we both ended up in the same hospital again. Whipps has real magic about it.

Mark went back to university when the children were tiny to train as a ODP.  Mark is now a senior ODP and I am now a Patient Safety Nurse."

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