More urology patients to undergo surgery this week | Stow-ries

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More urology patients to undergo surgery this week

Consultant in theatre operating on a patient

It’s now turn for more urology patients to undergo surgery following the successful ENT (ear, nose and throat) booster week that took place in March.

We are three days into the urology booster week and the aim by Friday is to run 27 theatre sessions and treat 65 patients compared to 35-40 patients in a normal week.

“The pandemic has increased the waiting lists for surgery. To ensure we are doing everything we can to increase our capacity, we are working with our senior leaders and improvement teams so that we can treat more patients than usual,” notes Clinical Lead for Urology, Simon Holden.

As a result of this initiative, we were also able to secure extra imaging support to ensure theatre sessions start on time, as well as allocating registrars to all lists to help facilitate prompt and safe discharges.

It takes a multidisciplinary approach to improve on our productivity and ultimately aid the clearance of our patients waiting longer for their surgery. This includes help from theatre staff, ward staff and our pharmacy team.

Shipa Khan, who works in the scheduling team, explains: “Our job is to ensure that patients with the highest need are booked onto the surgery lists, which is an important step in the flow of getting a patient from home into the theatre for their surgery.”

A huge thank you to all those involved!

Shipa khan, scheduler, surgery, urology

Pictured: top - Shipa Khan, lead surgery scheduler, bottom, urology surgery scheduling team

Have any ideas on how to improve our booster weeks and increase productivity? Feedback now

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