Improving patient experience and turnaround times

(Photo above: Michael and Lissette from the Imaging team)
Our imaging service has recently had a number of improvements that will help us improve patient experience and turnaround times.
On Tuesday 19 April, the imaging department opened a brand new x-ray area in outpatients. This means that our x-ray patients from the outpatient clinics will no longer need to be seen in the GP x-ray department.
Thanks to the introduction of a state of the art x-ray static room, along with new patient facilities such changing rooms complying with privacy and dignity, and ample waiting space for patients, will help us improve patients’ experience and turnaround times.
“The new technology that we brought in is already helping us to see patients quicker as it’s a more efficient technology”, said Michael Thambiah, service manager for Imaging.
“This new department used to be joined with GP x-ray, but we’ve separated them because we want to reduce patient queues.”
(Photos above: The new x-ray static room in outpatients and the new corridor)
Along with this improvement, in a couple of weeks the imaging department will be opening a new fluoroscopy suite in junction 8 which which provides service to both our inpatients and outpatients.
Due to improvement works, the fluoroscopy service has been on divert to The Royal London Hospital for almost a year, but it will be back at Whipps Cross thanks to the opening of this new suite.
This revamped area will have a brand-new fluoroscopy x-ray machine along with patients changing facilities and sub-waits, as well as recovery areas was for patients. .
Michael said:
“All of the patients that needed the fluoroscopy service were seen at The Royal London and that was causing issues like increasing our backlog and delays, so now that we have this back here it’s really good for our patients.”
“It’s also great for patient experience going into a nice new area.”
The new improvements will also bring benefits to our staff including being trained to use the latest imaging technology.
“The acquisition of the new fluoroscopy unit is good for staff to be able to use it. A lot of the other hospitals already have it so you want to be able to provide this for our staff at Whipps Cross.”
“It will also help us as an incentive to bring new talent into the department.”
For Michael, the new openings will help improve this service by tackling our outpatient backlog and the quality of service that we provide to both inpatients and outpatients.
“I feel really positive, I’m privileged to be part of all these changes and I’m really happy that we can provide the service that our patients deserve.”
“Patient experience all around will be much better.”
(Photo above: new fluroscopy machine at junction 8)
The intervention radiology department based at junction 3 is also going through refurbishment and replacing equipment so keep an eye out for more information on this soon.