Breaking Bad hazmat suits donated to Whipps Cross Hospital

Whipps Cross Hospital has received its first delivery of bright yellow ‘Breaking Bad’ hazmat suits! These suits are a fantastic alternative to disposable PPE, as they are washable, meaning they can be reused time and time again.
The idea for using these at the hospital came about when Andrew Williams, consultant anaesthetist and clinical director for perioperative medicine, was contacted by Sebastian Lyall, who is the founder of a Breaking Bad themed bar called ABQ London. When customers visit the bar, they wear bright yellow hazmat suits in the style of the famous suits donned in the hit TV show. Sebastian was inspired to produce these at a higher quality for the NHS during the Covid-19 pandemic and produced a medical grade prototype that passed infection control, as well as laundry testing.
The suits are of a high enough standard to be used by staff working with the most unwell Covid-19 patients.
Andrew said “We get through a lot of disposable suits or gowns every day looking after Covid-19 patients at Whipps Cross. Washable hazmat suits made in the UK mean we can be independent of any global supply issues and having them washed on site saves on landfill and carbon from road and air miles.”
John Peters, clinical director at Whipps Cross Hospital commented: “Disposable gowns often from overseas have been in short supply and although the supply chains are now better, innovative UK businesses have developed reusable washable alternatives. Our anaesthetic and critical care teams have worked with ABQ London (Lollipop) to develop a prototype, washable but water repellent gown to protect our staff as well as provide a renewable resource.”
Seb’s company are crowdsourcing to raise funds to supply more of these suits to the NHS. You can donate to their page here: