15,000 vaccines delivered at Whipps Cross vaccination hub

This week, the NHS Covid-19 vaccination hub at Whipps Cross Hospital, reached a significant milestone – they delivered their 15,000th Covid-19 vaccine. The centre, which is run by Barts Health and based at Whipps Cross Hospital, has delivered these vaccines to the population of Walthamstow and beyond.
Chris Pinch, Clinical Lead Nurse for the vaccination hub and Senior Nurse for Workforce commented on the achievement: “Reaching our 15,000th vaccination has been a real milestone in a project that has provided an essential wellbeing offer, protecting our staff and healthcare partners.
"There have been challenges along the way, however the redeployed staff and teams across the trust have pulled together creating a service which is safe, effective and flexible as guidance has evolved. This has been underpinned by clear governance structures and a passion ensuring that this imperative step towards battling Covid-19, has been executed with professionalism and care true to our trust values.”
Ahmad Saleem Ullah, Programme Lead for the vaccination hub and Head of Quality and Efficiency Improvement also commented on the momentous occasion: “Back in December 2020, the Whipps Cross vaccination hub was initially established to vaccinate members of Barts Health staff, since then we have also vaccinated members of public.
"All clinical as well as administrative colleagues take great pride and feel honoured to have been part of the national vaccination programme. We find it highly rewarding to support the communities we serve with this extremely important step, taken in response to the on-going pandemic. There were tears of joy and jubilation when we administered our 15,000th dose at the hub yesterday. The experience has been really rewarding, whilst working in a very dynamic national landscape."
Congratulations to the team on this significant achievement and thank you for all your hard work!
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