Watch the final part of BBC Clive Myrie's Covid trilogy | Our news

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Watch the final part of BBC Clive Myrie's Covid trilogy

Clive Myrie with staff member

The BBC’s Clive Myrie has had exclusive, third time access to The Royal London Hospital to film his final series looking at how we’re managing and adapting to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Clive visited us during the first and second Covid-19 peaks. His previous programmes at The Royal London received critical acclaim as well as praise from our staff, community and the wider public and an increase in critical care nursing applications.

The third and final part of this series looked into the long-term impact on our staff, patients and community, including how our services have adapted to continue to safely treat our patients throughout the pandemic. You can catch-up on episodes one and two via the links below:

Covid-19 in our hospitals

The numbers of Covid patients in our hospitals has fallen dramatically since the peak over the New Year and we remain optimistic that the pandemic pressures will continue to ease.

However we still have as many Covid patients in our hospitals as we did this time last year, and the rate of reduction has flattened off in the last week.

This persistent Covid caseload, combined with the usual winter pressures, continues to keep our hospitals very busy, and we must maintain robust infection prevention and control.  

Meanwhile, discharge teams are working hard to ensure that patients do not stay in hospital any longer than they need to, once they have received appropriate treatment and care.  

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  1. John O'Connor Tuesday, 25 January 2022 at 08:48 AM

    An excellent programme. Very informative . A big thank you to the hospital staff.

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