Our thoughts are with the people of Turkey and Syria | Our news

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Our thoughts are with the people of Turkey and Syria


Our thoughts are with the people of Turkey and Syria following the devastating earthquakes which have hit regions of both countries. 

Barts Health is lucky to be part of a community which has many individuals and families with strong connections to both countries. As such, many of our patients, colleagues and members of our communities will have been affected emotionally by these events and we’d like to extend our sympathies to those who will be worried for friends and family living there. 

How can you help?

Understandably, many people will be keen to help. Charities have advised that, due to the fast changing needs of people who have been affected, financial support is the best way to help.

There are many organisations you can consider donating to. Below are just a few who are on the ground in Turkey and Syria helping children and families in the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes.


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