Imam Faruq Siddiqi awarded an ‘unsung hero’ | Our news

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Imam Faruq Siddiqi awarded an ‘unsung hero’

Imam and Muslim Chaplain at The Royal London Hospital, Shaykh Ahmad Faruq Siddiqi has received the Unsung Hero Award at the Intensive Care Society national annual awards.

Nominated by his peers, Faruq received the award for being a valuable member of our intensive care team and a vital link in the chain that binds clinical teams to patients and their families.

Over the past year, The Royal London’s adult critical care unit more than tripled capacity to look after around 700 patients with Covid-19. At the peak of the second wave, the hospital was caring for 157 patients requiring critical care.

With 38% of the Tower Hamlets community Muslim, many patients cared for were of Muslim faith. Faruq worked closely with nursing and medical teams to help address the spiritual needs of our patients; saying prayers at the bedside, talking with those able to do so, and organising Quran cubes (small battery powered speakers which play recitations of the Quran). For those at the end of life, Faruq was able to ensure religious observances were followed.

Through his advocacy for patients and their families, Faruq worked closely with our bereavement service and community groups, helping ensure the smooth administration of death certification, registration and funerals.

Andrew Leitch, clinical lead for critical care and intensivist at The Royal London Hospital said: “Every member of our critical care team has a tale to tell of tensions diffused, relatives reassured, and truly holistic care provided by Faruq.

“During the pandemic peaks he worked tirelessly, patiently and calmly. He was in the hospital almost every day and at all hours of the day and night, and above all worked with quiet humour.”

On receiving the award, Faruq said: “I am humbled and honoured. It’s a blessing working in Barts Health and doing something I love, supporting and serving people.

“The award by extension recognises the important role of spiritual care and I’m grateful for all the support received from everyone at Barts Health, of whom so many are unsung heroes who have demonstrated dedication and compassion to provide holistic care in this extremely challenging year.”

The awards were held virtually on 8 June during Intensive Care Week to recognise the outstanding contributions of intensive care professionals. Student nurse Liam Cavanagh, who worked in the family liaison team at The Royal London and the trust’s pharmacy team were also shortlisted in the awards.

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  1. Caoimhe NicFhogartaigh Thursday, 10 June 2021 at 09:17 AM

    Congratulations Faruq! A very well deserved award for someone who tirelessly provided spiritual care for patients and support to families and staff both inside and outside the critical care setting.

  2. Ossie Ali Thursday, 10 June 2021 at 01:25 PM

    Congratulations Faruq, a well-deserved honor indeed. Your presence along with other spiritual leaders from all faiths, high lights what a truly great service you all provide in a patient’s and in most cases, their families hour of need. Thank you all.

  3. John Wells Thursday, 10 June 2021 at 02:37 PM

    Fantastic and richly deserved, should be a knighthood

  4. Hena Khatun Friday, 11 June 2021 at 10:16 AM

    Amazing congratulations to Faruq. Truly a gem of a person. Goes above and beyond. Well deserved.

  5. Samuel Raveney Friday, 11 June 2021 at 11:08 AM

    So well deserved Faruq, you and the entire chaplaincy team do so much for our patients and their families. Thank you and your team especially for all the spiritual support being provided around the clock for patients who are at the end of their lives and help supporting the different clinical teams provide great holistic care.

  6. Alison Basa Friday, 11 June 2021 at 01:57 PM

    Congratulations Faruq! Well deserved for all your hard work and dedication - which I have personally witnessed many times.

  7. Alison Stewart Friday, 11 June 2021 at 07:33 PM

    I am thrilled that he has been recognized for his commitment to patients and their families .

  8. Maria Fernandezsort Saturday, 12 June 2021 at 12:55 AM

    Congratulations Sheijk. Masha Allah, May Allah reward you! amen.

  9. harunur rahman Saturday, 12 June 2021 at 08:59 PM

    Well deserved, He was calm and cool. Always responsive even though he was out of duty, happy to help and support the patients, relatives even the staff in difficult situation. He would come and take over a difficult situation and always willing to go extra mile.
    This feedback is from myself who worked in Covid HDU.
    Thank you Imam Faruq

  10. Ossie Ali Monday, 14 June 2021 at 07:25 AM

    Congratulations Faruq, a well-deserved honor indeed. Your presence along with other spiritual leaders from all faiths, highlights what a truly great service you all provide for the patient’s and in most cases, their families hour of need. Thank you all.

  11. Elizabeth Worpole Monday, 14 June 2021 at 09:31 AM

    Sincere congratulations to you Faruq on this recognition. Having attended a course with you last year I have seen first hand your ability to give beyond your all, and adapt to all situations as a most valuable team member, Bart's are fortunate to have you within the team!!

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