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Help us share our history

The NHS may just have turned 75 years old, but it's still young compared to The Royal London Hospital! The Royal London has been serving the communities of East London community since its foundation in 1740, and its amazing history is revealed through the hospital's archives and historic collections. The Trust Archives look after the historic records and objects of the hospital, from meeting minutes to medical equipment and photos to uniforms. All the collections can be accessed in the archives searchroom - but we also want to bring the history of the hospital into the hospital itself, and tell new stories using material from the collections, and you can help!

We're looking for participants for a new project, funded by Barts Charity, to improve patient experience by installing new displays in patient waiting areas at The Royal London. The interactive displays will feature objects and archives to bring stories of the hospital’s history to life, and may include puzzles, quizzes, object scans and more.

Volunteers will learn more about the hospital's historic collections and how to research them, and bring their own experiences and interests to help us tell new stories and bring new perspectives on the Royal London’s long history. Find out more about the long history of this amazing hospital and your place in that story! To find out more about the project, or to express an interest in getting involved, drop us a line.

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