Family praise The Royal London maternity team | News from The Royal London

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Family praise The Royal London maternity team

Alberto Moreno and his wife Martina had their daughter Amaia at The Royal London Hospital in September.

Alberto was especially impressed with the way his friends spoke about their experience of labour and the service they received, he said: “We went to The Royal London because our friends recommended it.

“The staff were engaged, and I noticed despite the difference in personality, they all had the same training. When I was in the hospital with my wife, I liked to see junior staff learning. We loved to see it and it gave us reassurance.

“My wife had a condition where up to week 24 we had to go to the hospital every other week. This experience was very positive and although there were different staff every time, the service was the same.

“My wife was told she would need to be induced as they were concerned about the baby’s foetal growth in a scan. We were anxious, but the doctor reassured us the baby was good and this helped us relax.”

Alberto and his wife were given time to go away and discuss and returned to the hospital the following day. He said: “Around midday we were allocated a room, it was lovely and felt like a hotel.

“Around 3pm Martina was induced and 11am the baby’s head was low. She was finally born at 2am on 16 September 2002, 11 days early.

“The advice from the midwife was great throughout the birthing process and they were guiding my wife well. Once my daughter was born, I was encouraged nicely to cut the cord.

“We were checked on regularly after her birth and given advice for discharge. Amaia was born at 38 weeks, she was very small and sleeping a lot. The nurses gave us advice about breast feeding and a physiotherapist taught us how to massage her legs. They treated my daughter so nicely; it was an amazing service.

“Amaia had a follow up with the physiotherapist after three weeks and they were very accommodating and efficient. They explained everything well and we were told she did not need further follow ups.

“Our general feedback is positive, and we are very happy with the way we were treated at The Royal London Hospital. Everyone from reception staff to consultants, they were engaged with what they do. I hope that other people appreciate this service as much as us.

“Life as a family of three is good, but very demanding. We are awake a lot of the night, but it is very rewarding.”

Amaia and parents

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