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Volunteers' Week: "It’s an experience I’m grateful for."

To mark Volunteers' Week on 1-7 June, Kitty Murdoch [pictured left], an A-Level Chemistry teacher from Stratford, blogs about what made her choose to become a volunteer at Newham Hospital and why she loves the job. 

Hello my name is Kitty and I’m an A-level Chemistry teacher in Stratford. I particularly like singing, genetics and cats, but not necessarily in that order!

I started volunteering at Newham Hospital at the start of April. I’ve always enjoyed volunteering, it was my school’s Easter Holiday and I wanted to help wherever I could. As I walked into the storage room on my first day, I was met with (no over exaggeration) thousands of Easter eggs. With the storeroom overflowing, my first few days involved delivering eggs to as many staff and patients as quickly as possible, without eating any myself. My unrelenting eagerness to deliver these eggs was, of course, juxtaposed by the far more serious work of the healthcare professionals around me! But, there were many smiles and it certainly brought some cheer to the Easter weekend.

I did an eye-opening stint helping in the intensive care stock room. Sometimes, during their breaks, I got to sit and chat to the front line workers, it was fascinating to listen to their stories. Watching members of the chaplaincy planning their video links between patients and families was a very sobering experience.

Soon I joined the PPE team where we stock and deliver personal protective equipment to wards. I sometimes feel guilty about how much I enjoy being on the Covid-19 response team, but I remind myself that it's okay, in the midst of great suffering, to smile now and then.

I have met so many different people and made some brilliant friends; it’s an experience I am extremely grateful for. I’d also like to express my gratitude for the great sacrifices of key workers during this time, thank you!

Find out how you can apply to become a volunteer at Barts Health


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