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Remembering Mark and Raji

On Friday 31 July Newham Hospital held a small, social distanced ceremony to honour our colleagues Mark Woolcock and Raji Mohideen who sadly passed away from Covid-19.

The ceremony officially marked the opening of the Newham Hospital Tranquility Gardens, which have been opened in memory of staff who lost their lives to Covid-19. 

The gardens, which were completed on Friday 12 June, are open to staff, patients and visitors and aim to provide areas for retreat and comfort.

Mark WoolcockRaji Mohideen

Mark Woolcock (pictured top left) worked at Barts Health for 17 years as an Ambulance Care Assistant. Speaking about Mark, his close colleague Skender Osmani, remembered him as ‘an important person in his life and a man highly dedicated to his job’.

Raji Mohideen (pictured top right), a healthcare assistant, also worked at Barts Health for 17 years. During the ceremony we heard from Angela Prudence who worked alongside Raji and remembered her as ‘virtuous, hard-working and wise beyond her years’. 

The family and colleagues of Mark and Raji came together on Friday to remember their colleagues and pay their respects. The ceremony took place in the memorial garden, with two trees planted in the names of Mark and Raji, to serve as an ongoing reminder and thank you for all they have done to care for patients at Newham Hospital. 

Adam Sewell-Jones, Interim Chief Executive of Newham Hospital, said:

“Today we remember our valued colleagues Raji and Mark. Two colleagues who have worked incredibly hard for our hospital and who sadly lost their lives to Covid-19. I know I speak on behalf of everyone who knew them when I say they will be always remembered and forever missed.”

The week-long project was managed by Ground Control, a landscaping and maintenance services company, as a way of expressing its thanks to all NHS staff caring for patients during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Read more about the Newham Hospital Tranquility Gardens. 


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