News from the Greenway

New cycle storage hub open at Newham Hospital

A change idea born out of the WeCycle component of WeImprove has become a reality, thanks to the London Borough of Newham. They have generously funded and installed a brand new, sheltered and secure cycle parking hub for Newham hospital staff – and it’s open for use from today!

Temporary car park closure this weekend

To finalise the current ramp works happening at the hospital, a crossing is required. To facilitate this, the West car parks – including drop off points – will have to close for a period of time.

Stoptober: Top 5 tips to quit smoking

To mark Stoptober, Dr Terry O’Shaughnessy, Consultant in Respiratory Care at Newham Hospital, blogs about why smokers should quit and offers his top five tips to quit successfully. 

Remembering Mark and Raji

On Friday 31 July Newham Hospital held a small, social distanced ceremony to honour our colleagues Mark Woolcock and Raji Mohideen who sadly passed away from Covid-19.

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