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Nursing recruitment open evening at Newham University Hospital - 7 December

Nurses walking together in Newham Hospital

Newham University Hospital is inviting registered nurses interested in working at the hospital to meet and hear from current staff.

Those attending will be assessed, interviewed and hired on the day, speeding up the recruitment process meaning they can start work sooner.

Prospective staff - including those who are newly qualified or about to qualify in March 2018 - will have the opportunity to meet with senior leaders and talk to nursing staff to find out what it's really like to work at the hospital.

This will be taking place on Thursday 7 December from 5pm until 8pm in Newham Hospital’s education centre, on the ground floor in zone 2.  

Elizabeth Summers, Senior Nurse and the Recruiting Manager on the evening, said: “I’ve been at Newham Hospital for almost a year and it’s the friendliest place I’ve worked – everyone is very welcoming and we’re a family. I encourage any nurses looking for their first or next role to join us on the 7th to find out more.”

In an annual survey of NHS workers, Newham staff reported good communication between themselves and senior management saying that they feel valued. Results also showed that more staff at Newham Hospital would recommend it as a place to work or receive treatment compared to the national average.


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  1. Shanaz Friday, 1 December 2017 at 08:47 AM

    hi can I find out if you will be recruiting for Band 3 and 4 positions on the day also

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