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Nursing and midwifery recruitment day at Newham University Hospital - 21 October

Nurses at Newham University Hospital

Newham University Hospital is inviting registered nurses and midwives interested in working at the hospital to take a tour and meet current staff.

Those attending a ‘one stop’ day on 21 October will be assessed, interviewed and hired on the day, speeding up the recruitment process meaning they can start work sooner.

Prospective staff - including those who are newly qualified or about to qualify - will be able to tour the hospital’s facilities and learn about how they can develop their careers. They will also have the opportunity to meet with senior leaders and talk to nursing staff to find out what it's really like to work at the hospital.

This will be taking place on Saturday 21 October from 10am until 4pm in Newham Hospital’s education centre, on the ground floor in zone 2.  

Heidi Peakman, Director of Nursing and Governance, said: “During the day, we will be showcasing why Newham Hospital is a fantastic place to work. I encourage nurses and midwives interested in working at Newham Hospital to come along to find out more."

In an annual survey of NHS workers, Newham staff reported good communication between themselves and senior management saying that they feel valued. Results also showed that more staff at Newham Hospital would recommend it as a place to work or receive treatment compared to the national average.


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  1. Helen O Akhiwu Saturday, 10 July 2021 at 11:59 PM

    I would like to work at Newham hospital

  2. Magdalene Obemah Thursday, 30 June 2022 at 08:19 PM

    Am a registered nurse midwife from Ghana, I would like to join your team in rendering quality care to clients and patients.

  3. Krutika Thursday, 21 July 2022 at 12:55 PM

    I would like to work with hospital I have an experience as a Health Care Assistant.I am working as a Rota co-ordinator and Junior Accountant.

  4. Krutika Thursday, 21 July 2022 at 12:56 PM

    I would like to work with hospital I have an experience as a Health Care Assistant.I am working as a Rota co-ordinator and Junior Accountant.

  5. Muneeba Maryam Tuesday, 21 March 2023 at 05:17 PM

    Muneeba from Pakistan here. I am a registered nurse. I completed my General Nursing Diploma in September 2019. From October 2019 to March 2021, I worked in the clinical setting. Then I finished my Nurse Midwifery Specialization in March 2022. After that, I worked in a hospital. Currently, I am employed at a well-known medical diagnostic center. I passed my OET with an overall B in all four subtests. My CBT was also successful. My application status on the NMC account is outstanding.
    Please let me know if you require any additional information.
    Thank you

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