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Newham Estates: 'a team of everyday heroes'

The Newham Hospital Estates Team, were referred to as 'a team of everyday heroes' in their winning nomination for the Barts Charity Award at our Barts Health Heroes ceremony. The Award recognised their work to successfully implement new signage and designs across the hospital during the Charity's Your Hospital, Your Charity drive. Sam Nadarajan, senior head of estates, tells us more about the team and what they do. 

Tell us a bit about your role and why you chose to work at Newham?

The Estates & Facilities Management Team is led by Justin Pereira at Newham site. In my role as the Senior Head of Estates, I am responsible for the site’s overall estates operational functions with the various trade groups and Estates Managers.

I have worked my whole life for the NHS and always wanted to work in the care sector. Most of the estates team including myself and Justin comprises of individuals who have grown up in Newham and have a relationship with the Borough, and therefore are passionate in keeping the hospital premises to a safe standard.

What does the estates team do day-to-day?

My team comprises various disciplines covering Electrical, Mechanical, Building Trades and Grounds Maintenance, with responsibility for the continuous and safe operation of all hospital building facilities, to maintain a comfortable hospital environment for patients , staff and visitors.

The team manages the day to day statutory and routine maintenance functions along with the breakdown tasks and attending to all emergencies 24/7 with minimum delay when they arise and always with the view to returning the hospital to normal operation in the shortest possible time.

What are the challenges of providing estates services in a busy hospital?

The challenges of providing Estates services in a busy hospital mainly derive from the need to impose a minimum of disruption whilst maintenance activities are undertaken, which requires liaison and the cooperation from all staff.

Another challenge is to maintain the ever changing and demanding hospital environment with the resources available.

What exciting projects are ongoing and on the horizon?

There are many estates capital projects taking place that both improve and add to the hospital facility ranging from private patient facilities, general ward upgrades, security equipment upgrades and new way finding signage.

On the grounds and gardens front, the gardening team maintain the gardens to a great condition and create features of various themes such as evergreen, fragrance plant beds, rhododendron beds, plant species beds, all to achieve the best aesthetics.

Another new feature we're working on to enhance hospital access from a greener perspective is the creation of a new cycleway and footpath. We're working with Newham Council to connect the Greenway to the hospital entrance where there will be new paving and lighting. There will also be a purpose built building for the safe keeping of staff pedal cycles and a facility for public cycle docking.

The project will include CCTV monitoring in the interests of safety and security and is expected to reach completion at the of end of March 2020.    

To find out more about the upcoming estates project contact


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  1. Joy Lochun Friday, 28 February 2020 at 02:31 PM

    congratulations this is a great achivement

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