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Meet Newham Hospital's inspiring women

Nayna Manya, Direcor of Transformation and Co-lead of the Barts Health Women's Network at Newham Hospital, rounds up the winners of the Barts Health inspiring women celebrations. 

Sunday 8 March marks International Women’s Day and to celebrate it we asked you to nominate women across your teams who you believed were inspirational. Before I introduce them, I want to first say that I truly believe every single woman at Newham Hospital is an inspiration to me for all that you do to care for the people we look after. Thank you for being you.   

The aim of International Women's Day is to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. To achieve this, we interviewed the nominees to find out more about them and how they have made a difference to our hospitals, healthcare and the east London community.  Below you can catch up on who has been nominated:

Andrea McDonnell (pictured bottom left): “I would like to see employers across the board focus more on individual talent and how we can ensure each person’s unique set of skills is supported, regardless of their gender, ethnicity or sexuality.”

We caught up with Andrea McDonnell, Associate Director of Nursing at Newham Hospital about her life and achievements. Read Andrea’s interview.

Tase Oputu ( pictured centre):“When I first became a new mum I was studying for my MSc and working and doing those things all at once really made me appreciate my worth and strength as a woman.”

Tase Oputu, pharmacist and co-site lead of the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) staff network at Newham Hospital, tells us more about what drives her and the change she’d like to see in the world. Read Tase’s interview.

Newham Hospital Maternity Team: With so many nominations for our maternity staff, we simply couldn’t choose one individual. Instead we shortlisted a group of inspirational women to represent the service at Newham Hospital.

The group features Serena Fisher (centre left), service manager, Jenise Jarvis (centre right), midwife, Nicola Turner (top right), Team Leader at Barking Birth Centre and Arona Ahmed (bottom right), Deputy Head of Midwifery. We chatted to them about their experience as women in 2020. Read the maternity team’s interview.

Ms Arti Garg (pictured top left)“My favourite childhood past time was to dress up in a white coat and pretend to save lives.  Little did I know that this would become my lifetime commitment and passion!”

We sat down with Ms Arti Garg, consultant surgeon at Newham Hospital, to get an insight into her life, her achievements and her future ambitions. Read Arti’s interview.

The stories of our Barts Health inspiring women have been shared on the #TeamBartsHealth blog check the page to view and share the stories! I'd also like to take this opportunity to encourage you to attend our upcoming Barts Health Women's Network event at Newham Hospital on 17 March. We'll be holding a stall about what the network can offer you and how you can get involved. 


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  1. Louise Jordan Friday, 6 March 2020 at 11:40 AM

    A great way to celebrate inspiring women in the workplace!
    Lovely to read about the 'winners', I'd also like to know how many nominations were received for NUH in total? We should recognise all of them.

  2. Rachel Brooks Wednesday, 11 March 2020 at 10:16 AM

    Hi Louise, thanks for your query. We had just shy of 100 nominations! We're proud of everyone who was nominated and congratulated all of them on their achievements.

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