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International Year of the Midwife: Crystal Jaiyesimi

To mark International Year of the Midwife we spoke to Crystal Jaiyesimi, midwife at Newham Hospital, about what her role entails and why she chose to pursue midwifery. 

Why did you decide to become a midwife? 

I love the relationship you form between mothers and babies and I love being a part of women's lives at such a special time. The fulfilment of practicing midwifery is indescribable. Even when it has been a busy shift, you leave beaming with joy. I wanted to work at Newham Hospital because of the opportunity to help make a difference and because there is so much to see and learn.

What is your favourite thing about your job?

Babies! The joy of delivering them, having the odd cuddle with them, imparting life skills to families such as infant feeding, changing nappies and bathing babies. The list is endless. I also love just being there for mothers - especially during labour.

What’s the most challenging thing about being a midwife? 

Dealing with the loss of a child. No matter what the gestation or how often you do it, it never gets easier but my joy is in supporting the mother and their families to make beautiful memories with their babies even in those difficult times.

What advice would give to anyone considering becoming a midwife? 

Do it! I think its the most fulfilling job in the world. You'll learn to manage your time better, to think on your feet and it is a steep learning curve. Be prepared to be challenged and stretched but you will never regret it. 

What do you do in your spare time?

I socialise with friends, binge watch on Netflix, I like to meditate and have time with God, and of course - sleep!


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  1. Dzifa Antwi-buasiako Friday, 13 March 2020 at 03:33 PM

    Very inspiring, proud of you girl.

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