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Giuseppe Labriola appointed Chair of the Royal College of Midwives

Congratulations to Giuseppe Labriola, Associate Director of Midwifery and Nursing at Newham Hospital, who has been appointed Chair of the Royal College of Midwives.

The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is the national voice of midwifery. They are the only professional organisation and trade union dedicated to serving midwifery and the whole midwifery team.

Commenting on the appointment, Giuseppe said: “I am delighted that I am now Chair of the RCM board. I am just as passionate about midwifery today as I was back when I joined the profession as a student midwife. My role will include championing maternity services and representing midwives, and those that work within maternity services.

“Within maternity services nationally, we are undergoing a process of transformational change and it is important for me that the voices of midwives and support staff are heard at such a crucial time. This will include bringing feedback from our staff and the women we care for, at Barts Health NHS Trust to the RCM Board.”

The RCM Board is responsible for the overall direction and control of the organisation. This includes ensuring that the RCM is efficient, effective, properly managed, supervised and accountable. The Board provides long-term vision, ensures clarity of purpose by stating the RCM’s mission and setting strategic goals and objectives and protects the reputation and values of the RCM. It directs and supports its CEO in leading the RCM to the Board’s vision. The Board is the guardian of the RCM’s assets and is responsible for ensuring that legal and regulatory requirements are met.



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  1. Ruqayya Rahman Friday, 1 November 2019 at 12:30 PM

    Congratulations Giuseppe!

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