News from Newham

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Exercise Flandernschlacht – major incident exercise at Newham Hospital

Newham Hospital will be participating in a live major incident exercise on Wednesday 28 August from 9am-1pm.

Don’t be alarmed, this is not a real incident. This is part of our continual training that allows staff to practice giving safe and effective care in the event of a major incident.

The aim is to help staff feel more confident at responding to a variety of emergencies, so we try to make it as real as possible. For this reason, a number of areas in the hospital will be involved and props and actors will be helping to simulate the exercise.

The exercise will primarily be held in the Emergency Department, however the following wards and areas may also see some activity as part of the exercise: Emergency Department, ITU, West Ham, Silvertown, Rainbow, maternity, Discharge Lounge and the Incident Coordination Centre, security, porters, paediatrics, discharge and transport. Staff may hear a message over the page one and bleep system announcing the exercise.

The exercise will not negatively affect the operations of the hospital or impact patient care.

All staff should be familiar with the site major incident plan. If you have any concerns or questions, please speak with your manager.

This is part of a series of exercises aimed at validating the ability of trusts in east London to respond to a major incident. Exercises are being held across summer 2019 at The Royal London Hospital, Whipps Cross Hospital, Newham University Hospital and Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. 


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