News from Newham

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Cycle to Work Day: Gicyl Mabayag, scrub nurse

Hello! My name is Gicyl, and I work as a Scrub Nurse at Newham Hospital.

I am one of the many deployed international nurses from the Philippines. There were plenty of reasons why I wanted to have a Brompton bike:

First, I live near the hospital and I usually walk 20-30 minutes. We all know that walking is considered as a good means of exercise but after a long exhausting day it feels like I'm literally dragging myself home. And when I say dragging, I am really dragging myself and it would slow down my pace, taking me another 5-10 minutes to arrive home. 

Secondly, cycling to work has actually shortened my travel time to work and to get home, giving me more time to rest and prepare for the next day shift. Thirdly, I used to borrow my housemate's bicycle whenever I wanted to cycle or work or I don't have anyone to walk with so finally having my own one on loan has been really handy! 

Lastly, I have alway wanted to be more active for my health and I love to wander around London. Doing both of these things is much easier with the bike!

I received the bicycle two weeks ago and I am using it every time I go to work, grocery shopping or just want some fresh air in the park.  I find it a good way to de-stress and it has also made my daily life easier! It is very easy to assemble and disassemble. I can still carry it and my basket when I'm inside the grocery shop, which is very convenient. Parking is not even a problem. Seats full in the park benches? No worries just disassemble the cycle and you can sit on it. It is amazing how you can use this bike in so many ways. 

Cycling to work means you can be physically fit and environmentally healthy. Just think of how you can cater to your needs of transportation without having to sacrifice the health of the environment through pollution from cars!


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