
We are a leading centre for disorders of the female reproductive system and have a skilled team of specialists working across our hospitals.

The range of obstetric and gynaecological services we can offer women include:

Specialist investigations

  • Colposcopy (to examine the cervix)
  • Hysteroscopy (for conditions including heavy bleeding)
  • Urodynamics (to diagnose urinary incontinence) 
  • Gynaecological and dermatological investigations and treatment
  • Paediatric gynaecology (for girls and young women)

Pregnancy services

  • Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit
  • Termination of pregnancy 

Emergency care

  • Emergency gynaecology (for bleeding, pain and early pregnancy problems)

Outpatient clinics

  • Pelvic pain
  • Menopause and PMS clinic
  • Recurrent miscarriage clinic
  • Hysteroscopy clinic (to examine the womb)
  • Vulval (for diagnosis and treatment)
  • Urogynaecology (for lower urinary tract dysfunction, prolapse and incontinence
  • Minimally invasive surgery

Cancer care

  • Gynaecology oncology

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

  • We have a walk-in clinic offering cervical screening tests to women who have experienced female genital mutilation (FGM) at Whipps Cross Hospital. The clinic gives local women the opportunity to use a convenient walk-in service with an FGM specialist gynaecologist, psycho-social practitioner, an FGM specialist midwife, a female FGM trained sample taker and access to an interpreter.

    The clinic also offers psychological support, information and advice and deinfibulation, a minor operation to divide the scar tissue which narrows the vaginal opening. The walk-in clinic will be held on the final Monday of the month from 9am-12pm at the Perineal Clinic, Area A, Outpatients building, Whipps Cross Hospital, Leytonstone, London E11 1NR.

Treatments and other

  • Fertility
  • Minimally invasive surgery
  • Tower Hamlets community gynaecology sexual health and pregnancy counselling service.

Why choose us

The Barts Health gynaecology service is a leading centre for disorders of the female reproductive system.

We offer a combination of leading specialists, advanced technology and access to many of the latest drugs and treatments.

Access to our service fast and easy – and we achieve most national targets set for hospital waiting times.

We also run an extensive gynaecology research programme and have a dedicated team of research staff to care for the women who are participating in our studies.

For patients

Our services include early pregnancy assessment, specialist investigations, emergency procedures, and tests and treatments for the menopause, problem periods, and female cancers.

How to get an appointment

To get an appointment with our gynaecology team (or one of the specialist services) at any of our hospitals you will need a referral from your GP or another clinic.

Once we have received the letter of referral, we will write to you confirming your appointment and at which hospital you will receive your care.

If you would like to be seen in the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit, your GP will need to refer you. They should ring and make an appointment and give you a green radiology form.


Barts Health conducts important research into cutting edge investigations and treatments for gynaecological conditions including pelvic pain (MEDAL study), fibroids (Vizablate, Premya) and incontinence (BUS).

Please or talk to your gynaecology doctor if you would like to participate in a study.


Many women’s health disorders can cause great distress and anxiety – and this is especially true with conditions such as pregnancy loss and cancer. The City and East London Bereavement Counselling Service may be able to help if you are going through a difficult time:

For clinicians

We have a skilled team of specialists working across our hospitals who offer a full range of obstetric and gynaecological services

Service information and contact details


This service forms part of the NHS Cervical Screening Programme for women who have had an abnormal cervical smear test or where there is a clinical concern about their cervix. The programme is responsible for a 42 per cent drop in the number of cases of cervical cancer across the country. Treatment is either carried out in the colposcopy clinic, or through admission as a day case or inpatient.

For more information about this service:

Newham University Hospital

Colposcopy service, Ground Floor, Greenway Centre
Opening hours: 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday
Tel: 0207 363 8690 or 0207 363 8691

St Bartholomew’s Hospital

Centre for Reproductive Medicine - Colposcopy Clinic
Tel: 020 3465 6688

Whipps Cross University Hospital

Colposcopy clinic, Plane Tree Centre, Yellow Zone 
Opening hours: every other Monday morning, Tuesday morning and afternoon, Wednesday morning and evening, Friday morning
Tel: 020 8539 5522 ext 6807 or 020 8535 6610

Gynaecological and dermatological investigations and treatment

This is a specialist service helping women with vulval and vaginal skin conditions. Pregnancy services


This is a wide-ranging service covering everything from treatment for heavy bleeding to ‘lost’ coils. We also provide sterilisation for women who have completed their families. Services include:

  • Diagnosis and management of postmenopausal bleeding, heavy or irregular periods
  • Diagnosis and management of womb polyps (growths) or thickened womb lining, fibroids or scar tissue within the womb cavity
  • Testing the womb lining (by taking samples or biopsies)
  • Treatment of womb polyps and scar tissue (adhesions)
  • Fitting the Mirena coil to treat heavy periods
  • ESSURE sterilization (a permanent, non surgical technique)
  • Retrieval of ‘lost’ coils.

Patients are referred to the outpatient hysteroscopy clinic from the outpatient Gynaecology Department, the Fertility Unit, the Emergency Gynaecology Assessment Service, or directly from GPs.

For more information about this service:

Newham University Hospital

Hysteroscopy service (outpatient), Ground Floor, Greenway Centre
Opening hours: 1.30pm - 4pm, every Wednesday and Friday
Tel: 020 7363 9015

Paediatric gynaecology

We have a team of female consultants who investigate and treat gynaecological complaints affecting girls and young women


This is a specialist diagnostic service performed as a day case procedure by a urogynaecology nurse. It is for women with urinary incontinence and helps to identify the precise nature of the condition - stress, urge or mixed.

For more information about this service:

Newham University Hospital

Urodynamics, Ground Floor, Greenway Centre
Opening hours: 9.30am - 11.45am, every Monday and Tuesday
Tel: 020 7363 9015

Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit

This nurse-led service is for women having problems such as bleeding or pain in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 18 weeks). Women with a history of recurrent miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy and hydatidiform mole are also scanned in this unit.

For more information about this service:

Newham University Hospital

Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit, Zone 9, First Floor
Opening hours: 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday
Tel: 020 7363 6391

Whipps Cross University Hospital

Emergency Gynaecology Unit (EGU)
Opening hours: 8am - 8pm, Monday to Friday and 8.30am - 1pm, Saturday and Sunday
Direct tel: 020 8535 6499 
Switchboard: 020 3416 5000 dial extension 6575

Termination of pregnancy

Women who have decided to terminate their pregnancy are offered an appointment with the doctor and booked in for a scan. The doctor will confirm the most appropriate method for a termination. Patients will also have a full assessment including blood tests, MRSA and chlamydia screening. Early medical procedures are carried out as day cases within a week of referral. Surgical procedures will usually be carried out within two weeks of referral.

For more information about this service:

Newham University Hospital

Termination of pregnancy service (TOP), 1st Floor, West Wing Centre
Opening hours: 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday
Tel: 020 7445 7022 or 0207 445 7000

Emergency care

Emergency gynaecology 

We offer a fast track gynaecology emergency service for women referred via GPs, the Emergency Department and other hospital departments. This service provides specialist care for women with acute gynaecological complications, both pregnancy and non-pregnancy related. We see women with:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Pain or any pregnancy problems (up to 22 weeks’ gestation)
  • Acute gynaecological problems such as pelvic inflammatory disease, vaginal abscesses, ovarian cysts, fibroids, menorrhagia (heavy periods).

For more information about this service:

Newham University Hospital

Emergency Gynaecology inpatient service, Forest Ward, Zone 9, First Floor
Opening hours: 24 hours
Tel: 020 7363 8870

Emergency gynaecology assessment service, Zone 9, First Floor
Opening hours: 9am - 5pm Monday-Friday
Tel: 020 7363 6390

The Royal London Hospital

Gynaecology (inpatients) and the Emergency Gynaecology Unit (EGU), Women’s Centre, Ward 8C.
Opening hours: 24 hours a day
Tel: 020 359 41561/2

Emergency Gynaecology Unit
Tel: 020 3594 1578/9

Whipps Cross University Hospital

Emergency Gynaecology Unit (EGU)
Opening hours: 8am - 8pm, Monday to Friday and 8.30am - 1pm, Saturday and Sunday
Direct tel: 020 8535 6499 
Switchboard: 020 3416 5000 dial extension 6575


The gynaecology departments at our hospitals offer a range of general clinics for our female patients. Specialist nurses work closely with the consultants and other healthcare professionals, including dieticians and physiotherapists.

Hysteroscopy clinic

In this clinic, women can undergo hysteroscopy (telescopic examination of the womb) without the need for general anesthesia. We also carry out hysteroscopic procedures such as the removal of ‘lost’ coils and polyps (womb growths), sterilisations (ESSURE), removal of lost coils and treatment for polyps (womb growths).

Menopause and PMS clinic

Most women with period problems can be treated by their GP – but women with severe, unusual or long lasting conditions could benefit from the specialist support that we offer. We hold two clinics a week for menstrual disorders for women with abnormal bleeding (including heavy and irregular periods). This is a one-stop service, which includes a consultation, scan and treatment. We also help patients with complex problems including those who are undergoing a premature menopause and women with severe pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS).

Pelvic pain

We run a multidisciplinary clinic for women with chronic pelvic pain providing expert diagnosis and treatment. This is achieved holistically, with support from bowel experts, physiotherapists and other specialists. The clinic is also committed to furthering research into chronic pelvic pain.

Recurrent miscarriage clinic

Miscarriages are common and can be devastating for the families concerned. This clinic helps women who have experienced several miscarriages. We offer an holistic approach including specialised investigations and treatment


The vulval clinic service offers diagnostic and treatment facilities for women with the following vulval problems:

  • Pruritis vulvae (vulval itch)
  • Vulval pain (excluding pain with intercourse)
  • Visible vulval abnormalities eg lichen sclerosus

For more information about clinics:

Newham University Hospital

Gynaecology clinics, Ground Floor, Greenway Centre
Opening hours: 9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Tel: 020 7363 9015

St Bartholomew’s Hospital

Centre for Reproductive Medicine - Women’s outpatient clinics
Tel: 020 3465 6688 or 5910

The Royal London Hospital

Gynaecology Outpatient Department, Eighth Floor
Opening hours: 9am - 5pm, Monday – Friday
Tel: 020 3594 1585

Whipps Cross University Hospital

Outpatient’s clinic, Plane Tree Centre, Yellow Zone 
Opening hours: 9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Tel: 020 8535 6610

Cancer care

Gynaecology oncology

Our gynaecology oncology service is for women with suspected cancer or who have been diagnosed with a cancer of the reproductive system. We work closely with other departments to achieve the best results for our patients.

For more information about this service:

Newham University Hospital

Gynaecology oncology, Ground Floor, Greenway Centre
Opening hours: 9am - 12pm, every Tuesday morning 
Tel: 020 7363 9015

St Bartholomew’s Hospital

Centre for Reproductive Medicine - Gynaecology oncology
Tel: 020 3465 5040

Centre for Reproductive Medicine - Ovarian cancer screening
Tel: 020 7882 5940



For more information about this service:

Newham University Hospital

Fertility service, Ground Floor, Greenway Centre
Opening hours: 9am - 4.30pm every Wednesday
Tel: 020 7363 9015

St Bartholomew’s Hospital

Centre for Reproductive Medicine, 2nd floor, Kenton and Lucas Wing
Opening hours: 9am-4pm, Monday to Friday
Tel: 020 3465 5050

Minimally invasive surgery

We have special expertise in the techniques used to investigate and treat gynaecological problems. Our services include investigations and treatments for conditions including infertility, endometriosis (including advanced endometriosis), ovarian cysts and pelvic pain.

We can provide female sterilisation through fitting a tiny permanent coil (hysteroscopic sterilisation) or using keyhole surgery (laparoscopic sterilisation). Our team also has specialist experience in using keyhole surgery for hysterectomy (removal of the womb) and myomectomy (removal of fibroids).


This is a specialist multidisciplinary service for women with continence problems. Our team of gynaecologists, surgeons, and bladder specialists provide solutions for incontinence problems, prolapse, and bladder dysfunction disorders. We also have a specialist service for women experiencing continence problems after childbirth.

For more information about this service:

Newham University Hospital

Urogynaecology service, Ground Floor, Greenway Centre
Opening hours: 1.30pm-3.30pm, Tuesday
Tel: 020 7363 9015

Referral information

To refer a woman into our care at any of our hospitals, please use eRS

For any urgent referrals, please use the two week suspected cancer process.

For any advice, please contact the departments as provided above.

Specialist referral information for The Royal London

For any general advice on referral to the hospital, please call 020 3594 2352 or email

A referral to the Emergency Gynaecology Unit (EGU) can be made by calling 020 3594 1579.

For any other emergencies please call 020 3594 5719, Bleep 1288 and call the Emergency Department