You are invited to join us at St Paul’s for our annual service of remembrance | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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You are invited to join us at St Paul’s for our annual service of remembrance

You are invited to join us for the Annual Service of Remembrance at St Paul’s Cathedral on Sunday, 27th October at 6pm (No ticket required)

While we are here to save lives, death is all around us. It is only natural to acknowledge it.

Every year we come together to remember those who have died - a colleague, a loved one, the patients we cared for.  It is an intimate service in a grand building. We listen to the readings and music from a variety of traditions. We reflect and pray. As the service draws to a close we light a candle, take a white rose or a stone in the memory of a loved one.

People of different beliefs have found the service very meaningful because they can find something in the service that speaks of their pain and affirms their hopes. Everyone in the cathedral at that time has been bereaved; and that is very powerful.

For thirteen years Barts Health and St Joseph’s Hospice have held this Annual Service of Remembrance at St Paul’s Cathedral. This year it will take place on Sunday, 27th October at 6pm. If you would like to join us just come along on the night (no RSVP needed); last year over 700 people attended. Colleagues often say they haven’t heard of the service, please feel free to spread the word.

If you cannot come, please be with us in your thoughts and prayers.

Ros Butterfield and Revd Tasha Critchlow


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