“We’ve all been working extremely hard to support the maternity services as best as we can” | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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“We’ve all been working extremely hard to support the maternity services as best as we can”

We spoke to Holly about her role in the maternity team, highlights from the past few months and how she feels about being awarded Star of the Month along with the rest of the matrons.

1. Hi Holly, can you tell us a bit more about what you do?

I’m the matron for the Lilac Birth Centre and community services at Whipps Cross. I managed both services as well as low-risk care.

A lot of my time has been spent recently working as the ‘hot week matron’ or the ‘on call matron’ covering the services with my other operational matrons.

2. How does a week look like for you?

One of the exciting things about my role and something that I really enjoy about it, is that every single week and every single day morning to afternoon is completely different. Some of them are filled with meetings talking about the operational running of the maternity unit but it also might be assisting clinically on the floor and working with the midwives and other members of the team which gives me a great opportunity to network with others and support everyone across the board.

3. How do you feel about being awarded Star of the Month along with the other senior midwives?

It’s wonderful that the whole of the team has won the award. I think we’ve all been working extremely hard to support the maternity services as best as we can.

We are impacted by national shortage of midwives and that has brought more demands to our service, and I feel that we as a team have worked together in a really productive and proactive way to support the team on the floor but also supporting each other through this challenging period.

4. Are there any particular highlights from the past few months that you’d like to share?

I’ve been at Whipps Cross for almost six months, and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know the team, getting to know the other matrons and also getting to know a lot of the midwives, maternity support workers and doctors that I work with. That has been my biggest highlight to be honest.

5. Is there anything else that you’d like to say?

I’m delighted that the whole of the team has won Star of the Month and I just want to highlight how amazingly well the whole of Whipps maternity services have been doing, especially over the past few months and I’m extremely proud that I work here and that I’m part of this team.


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