We stand by our BME communities and colleagues | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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We stand by our BME communities and colleagues

I know that we have been deeply moved by the death of George Floyd and the distressing scenes of racial tension subsequently taking place in the US. On behalf of the board I’d like to say unequivocally that Barts Health does not tolerate racism and inequality.

We stand by our BAME communities and colleagues. Black lives matter. 

Now is a time that our voice needs to be heard and our subsequent actions need to count. 

At this time, we are also very saddened by the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on BAME communities and staff. We resolve to act with purpose in partnership with our patients, partners and staff.

We will ensure that - as we finalise our phase two plan - that equalities and inclusion will be the prism through which we now will take forward our plans and we will set this out more clearly at the July public board meeting.


We are committed to becoming an inclusive organisation [pdf] 3MB with equality of opportunity offered to all staff, diversity reflected at all levels in the organisation, and our WeCare values visible in all that we do. We are committed to delivering equitable care to our patients and play a key role in improving health outcomes in East London.

Alwen Williams, group chief executive


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