The latest from our youth empowerment squad | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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The latest from our youth empowerment squad

Youth empowerment squad - March meeting

At the March Youth Empowerment Squad meeting members wore green for International Adolescent Health week! Members heard about Kooth, a service that provides online support and counselling for young people, discussed by Kooth engagement leads. They talked about their service that lets you speak to someone completely anonymously whether that is via email or a live chat. Some other great features include; Kooth magazine with interesting articles written by members of the team and young people, Kooth forums and mini activities to get involved with. Members were impressed by the different services Kooth offers and especially liked how it is an anonymous platform.

YES Members updated the group on the exciting StoryFutures Project. They had been looking at protypes for the game, which is in a board game format and includes virtual reality cards. Members were then asked about a HEEADSSSS assessment, which allows patients to talk about psychosocial topics for example, education, eating, safety and social media. Members thought this was a fantastic idea and especially liked the leaflet because it prepares young people for these conversations.

Members were encouraged to get involved with new opportunities such as the IDEAL priority setting steering group and the National Youth Advisory Group. Also, members were asked to fill out a vaccination survey about their feelings, opinions and whether they have had the COVID19 vaccine.

The Barts Health Youth Empowerment Squad is always looking for ways to expand their network. If you are interested in any of the above and/or having a hands-on approach to making a positive change for young people in hospital, please join our meetings! If you are interested in learning more about the Youth Empowerment Squad you can find out more on our website, Twitter or Instagram.


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