Spotlight on... #AskAboutAsthma
We are joining forces with the North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT) and the East London Foundation Trust (ELFT) in a children’s asthma education drive throughout September.
This coincides with the Healthy London Partnership and the NHS in London in the annual #AskAboutAsthma campaign to encourage small steps to help improve the quality of life for London’s children and young people living with asthma.
Both hospital and community children’s asthma nurse specialists will be visiting each site and providing training updates and practical guidance for safe patient discharges.
Find them throughout September in Children’s inpatient wards, outpatient departments and children’s emergency departments at The Royal London, Whipps Cross and Newham Hospital.
Our focus is improving the quality of life for London’s children and young people living with asthma and ensuring all staff are aware that each child and young person with asthma should have an up to date asthma management plan, each child and young person with asthma should be able to use their inhalers and spacers effectively and each child and young person with asthma has access to an annual asthma review.
You can catch your asthma nurses at the following sites throughout September:
- 4th September – Asthma Champion Study Day
- 6th September Meet Monkey Wellbeing at Newham Hospital
- 9th September Meet Monkey Wellbeing at Whipps Cross Hospital
- 17th September – Tower Hamlets Community Asthma Study Day
- 19th September Meet Monkey Wellbeing at The Royal London Hospital
- Week of 9th September: Teaching and competitions at Whipps Cross
- Week of 16th September: Teaching and competitions at Newham
- Week of 23rd September: Teaching and competitions at The Royal London
Staff will receive a raffle ticket after participation for a chance to win a hamper full of goodies at each site.
Please see the attached for more details.