On your marks, get set for our Barts Health sports day | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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On your marks, get set for our Barts Health sports day

Why are we hosting a sports day at Whipps Cross?

It all came about via Twitter – Derek Hicks one of our Emergency Department consultants suggested we have a 3-way Emergency Department tent race after we got a little competitive about assembly timings (this is the CBRN tent which is used in case of chemical incident).  It’s now evolved into a much bigger event,  with everyone at Barts Health invited, so we decided to add a whole bunch of events to make it a fun sports day.

Tell us a little bit about the activities that we’ve got lined up?

There is a tug-of-war, the tent race,  there will be a relay race with certain medical equipment (you’ll have to wait for the surprise on the day), there will be egg and spoon – with a twist, a three legged race and some other surprises.

Which activity do you think is going to be the most fun?

Well, I’ve got a feeling that the relay race will be the most competitive – it will require the participants to be creative.

How do I get my department get involved?

Just turn up. We are not taking any formal requests we just want people to turn up and then the site between them can work out who are their best personnel for each event. For example ,the teams might find their best tug of war are less likely to be able to move quickly in the 3 legged race.

How big does the team have to be?

It can be 1 to 20+ there is no set limit. We just want some healthy competitiveness between all of the sites from Barts Health.

Are we meeting colleagues in a specific place at Whipps Cross?

Yes, you will need to come to  Emergency Department Car Park (just in front of the Emergency Department at Whipps Cross Hospital.)

What are the timings for the sports day?

It starts at 2pm, so come earlier if you can, so that you can select your team captains and decide which events you  want to participate in.  After the events we will be having some food. Barts Charity have donated some money to put on a BBQ for the staff, so people are encouraged to bring a dish that will accompany the food.

Are there any prizes up for grabs for the winning team?

Yes! we have had some amazing donations from a lot of local businesses which range from a dinner for two, to various vouchers for the high street.

Finally any prediction on who the winners will be?

I think the hosts will win – just look what has happened with the England cricket team!


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