New patient engagement tool launched to increase uptake of latent tuberculosis screening | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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New patient engagement tool launched to increase uptake of latent tuberculosis screening

Tower Hamlets GP Care Group have launched a unique SMS patient engagement tool to increase the uptake of latent tuberculosis screening across the borough.

Individuals with latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) have tuberculosis bacteria in their body but show no symptoms due to the bacteria being inactive. Migrants who have LTBI and come from countries where TB is common are at high risk of developing active TB after they arrive in the United Kingdom.

Treatment for LTBI prevents active TB.

The London Borough of Tower Hamlets sees high rates of TB and has implemented a LTBI migrant screening program; however, the uptake of screening is very low.

To try and increase screening rates, Tower Hamlets GP Care Group have announced that they have implemented a SMS patient engagement service to all 34 General Practices in the borough. The SMS invitations allows individuals eligible for screening to book themselves into blood test appointments.

Many areas of England are still struggling to improve the uptake of appointments that prevent ill-health. National uptake of screening programs and immunizations are lower than expected which leaves a missed opportunity to improve population health.

Automating the process of inviting and booking patients into LTBI screening appointments helps GP practices save time with administration and enables them to focus more energy on engagement and care.

Eligible patients are migrants who have entered the UK within the last 5 years, from a country with high TB rates, and aged between 16-35 years.


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