Janeth and Maria - Inspiring others around them to do better and work harder | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Janeth and Maria - Inspiring others around them to do better and work harder

Janeth and Maria felt overwhelmed with emotions after being nominated for the Inspiring Women award and aquired the support of their manager Christine to join them for the interview. Between them, Janeth and Maria have worked at Royal London Hospital (RLH) for over 40+ years and both feel they bring a wealth of experience to their Domestic Services team. The women reflected on the reason they decided to join the trust many years ago, “we applied to work here to find out more about the hospital and make a difference to patients and staff”, they also highlighted that they enjoy coming to work to improve the clinical surroundings and make people happy. 

Janeth and Maria feel their biggest achievement at RHL is building good relationships with the 8th floor Gynae Outpatient Department; they expressed gratitude for feeling part of the team and being invited along to team social events and parties. They also disclosed that this nomination is not their first; they have previously been nominated twice for the ‘star of the month’ award and regularly received verbal praise from the ward Sister for their efforts and proactive approach.

The women discussed what motivated them to wake up before sunrise and make the long walk to work, “we like to make a difference and do better, we feel satisfied if we do our job properly and we like to look back at our work and admire what we have achieved”. 

Janeth and Maria emphasised the importance of feeling appreciated when working for a large NHS trust and feel Barts Health makes all employees feel welcome and are treated equally.

When asked about what equality means to them , the women stated “everyone should be treated the same, regardless of their title and profession” they followed on to say, “everyone’s jobs are important and equal effort should be put in by all”. They felt that respect was at the forefront of equality and this included aspects such as equal pay and job opportunities regardless of your age, gender or ethnicity.

Janeth and Maria revealed that they had good reactions from their families when they told them about their nominations and they feel excited about being invited to the pending International Women’s Day lunch on the 6th March. They were very gratefulness for receiving their nomination and looked forward to thanking their colleagues and getting back to their hard work. 


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