I was reduced from a relatively healthy person, to being bed ridden…I’m definitely taking the vaccine | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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I was reduced from a relatively healthy person, to being bed ridden…I’m definitely taking the vaccine

We are reporting increasing numbers of younger patients being admitted to hospital with Covid-19. 31 year old support worker and videographer, Quincy Dwamena, has recently recovered from Covid-19 after a 2-week stay at Whipps Cross Hospital. We caught up with Quincy to discuss his experience and to encourage young people to get the vaccine to help prevent this from happening to them.

Were you surprised when you caught Covid and had to be admitted to hospital?

I was definitely surprised! Even though I worked throughout the pandemic, I followed government guidelines. For a year I literally went to work and came home. At work I would wear a mask and take regular covid tests as that was my company’s policy.

Do you know how you caught Covid?

Yes, I believe I do know how I caught it. A work colleague caught it and although they weren’t feeling 100% they still came into work because they thought there was little chance of them catching it as they believed they were following the necessary guidance. An easy mistake, but one that happens when you forget how easily the virus can spread. Especially some of the newer variants.

What were some of the symptoms you were experiencing that made you seek emergency help?

I had a fever, was throwing up and had diarrhoea at home for 8 days.

Do you have any underlying health issues or risk factors that you think contributed to your hospitalisation and reaction to this virus?

No, I’m a healthy, young (ish) man who thought contracting Covid wouldn’t affect me at all. I thought I would maybe have mild flu-like symptoms at most.

Was the vaccine available to you at the time you contracted Covid?

Yes, the vaccine was available to me at the time i had Covid, but I thought the way I was living my life would mean there would be very little to no chance of me catching the virus let alone suffering the way I did and being hospitalised.

Are you planning to get vaccinated now?

Yes. Seeing how I was reduced from a relatively healthy person, to being bed ridden and needing support to breath, I’m definitely taking the vaccine, once I’m able to.

What advice would you give to young people that are still hesitant about taking the vaccine?

The advice I would give to young people would be, take the vaccine. If you’re choosing not to, really ask yourself why? Is it based on conspiracy theories, fear mongering or actual logic. Think about your health and what’s best for you and go from there.

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