Cycle to Work Day: Millie Warwick | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Cycle to Work Day: Millie Warwick

Hello my name is Millie Warwick and I work as a healthcare assistant in domestic services. I have specifically been working in the ITU ward at Newham Hospital from the very start of the Covid-19 back in March 2020.

I have been able to see a lot during this time and have gotten a full understanding of how crazy hospital life can be. During my time, I have been able to work with the team helping them with tasks such as making sure the ward stays clean and tidy for both staff and patients. I’ve also been able to support the nurses, helping to retrieve equipment from the storeroom and ensure they have all they need to care for patients.

When I first heard about the Brompton bikes, I was so interested. Most of all because I wanted to get fit! I have loved every part of having the Brompton bike and have been able to get to and from work safely every day. It has changed my life for the better!

I will be getting a bike for good as it is such a fun and healthy way of getting round and particularly for getting to and from work while avoiding traffic and transport delays! Cycling has allowed me to get fresh air and also not have to worry about paying for travel. I love the freedom cycling gives you of being able to travel in your own time and space. It is a great way of getting around not only to work but even to just get out the house while getting a good bit of exercise in. 

Truthfully, at first the bike was a little tricky to get used to for me as I have not been on one since I was a little child! But when I got going it was so much fun and I can’t believe how far I have come. I used to think how scary it is to be riding next to all big vehicles on the road but now I now feel so safe and free.

The advice I would give to others is to really consider getting a bike and especially to register your interest in participating in the Wheels for Heroes programme as it is a really good way of getting fit and commuting to and from work. As well as being an excellent hobby, the bike itself is very eye catching and a great conversation starter. Having the bike has been life changing and has helped to get my family out too.

I will not be keeping the Brompton bike as I would love someone else to have some fun with it. Thank you to Brompton for changing my life for the better I have loved every part of it.


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