Cycle to Work Day: Eleanor Williamson, volunteer | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Cycle to Work Day: Eleanor Williamson, volunteer

Hello my name is Ellie and I'm a volunteer at Newham Hospital. 

18 June 2020: I live not that far from the hospital and I have a direct cycle route to and from the site. I used to cycle to and from school every day and have been looking at getting a bike so this has given me the opportunity to see if I will use one on a regular basis.

I have had the bike for about two weeks and I have cycled to and from the hospital every day. During the pandemic I have felt extremely isolated in my local area compared to before the pandemic when I used to get the tube every day and very easily see other parts of London. The bike has allowed me to explore a little further  and see parts of London I used to enjoy.

I feel people are scared of cycling in London due to the bad press and rise in accidents. Newham and the surrounding area has great cycle paths in to London as well as the Greenway and I feel that more people should be told about the safe places to cycle in London. It is also a great way to easily improve your health and increase your exercise whilst the gyms and other facilities are closed. Now is a time to try cycling when the weather is good and the roads are a little clearer.

It’s been great to see so many team members from the hospital get involved in the scheme and every day more people ask about it and how they can be a part of it. I feel with more people using them and being made aware of how easy and accessible cycling to work is cycling across London and the surrounding areas will become more popular.

I will most certainly continue to cycle once the scheme comes to an end. I have found how easy it is and I can reduce the amount I get the tube as well as see parts of London that I have not seen before.


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