Caring for Covid-19 patients: It takes an army | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Caring for Covid-19 patients: It takes an army

Last Wednesday marked two years since the first lockdown in 2020. In that time, we have treated around 14,600 patients with Covid-19 across Barts Health, many of them in critical care.

And as many as 20 different roles are involved caring these patients.
Critical care staff montage

To mark the two years since lockdown, we wanted to showcase some of these roles, and our amazing colleagues in them, including those that tend to be more ‘behind the scenes’.

Ranging from doctors, nurses and health care assistants, to physiotherapists supporting recovery, bio-medical scientists processing tests and domestic and maintenance teams, it takes an army to care for patients in ICU.

We photographed and spoke to some of our colleagues in these about their experience during the pandemic and how they’re feeling now. Read their stories.

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