The change starts with each and every one of us
I am pleased to have the opportunity to write to you this week. My name is Joyce Omatseye and I am an FY1 doctor at Whipps Cross Hospital.
As you are all aware, protests have been held across the world, as part of the Black Lives Matter movement after the tragic killing of George Floyd. The events unfolding in America have forced us to draw comparisons and readdress the systemic racism and discrimination in many of our organisations and institutions and the NHS is not exempt.
From my experience, conversations at work on race and equality issues are less likely to be had as people can feel uncomfortable. In my opinion it is extremely important that we start having these conversations to root out any prejudices and biases that we may subconsciously or consciously have towards our patients and colleagues.
Just looking around Whipps Cross, we are incredibly lucky to have a diverse workforce and patient groups. I believe this makes work special. We all connect by sharing our experiences and understanding our individual cultures, enriching society and broadening our perspectives.
Taking action to tackle inequality and racism both at work and in our personal lives can start by taking simple steps.
Firstly by being open to all opportunities to educating ourselves about different peoples history and culture.
Secondly, we all have a duty to stand up to racism at work. From personal experience, it can sometimes be difficult but it is crucial to explain we have a zero tolerance policy towards any form of racism or discrimination.
Lastly, we need to continue to endeavour to take active steps in reducing inequalities within our wider-society and community by supporting local businesses, donating to causes, signing petitions for positive change and supporting progressive policies geared at closing the inequality gap and fighting racism.
It is important as employees of this hospital to feel our voices will be heard and to be comfortable to express ourselves. To foster that culture we must be involved in the development of policies and measures that creates a safe working environment for us all.
The last few months have been challenging, but the tremendous efforts of our colleagues and staff in fighting the coronavirus pandemic has shown just how strong and resilient our community is. We hope to see this amazing momentum continue in combating racism in all aspects of our lives.
The change starts with each and every one of us.
Joyce Omatseye
FY1 Doctor - Whipps Cross Hospital