60 seconds with Jason Bryan | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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60 seconds with Jason Bryan

What is your role and what does it involve? 

As Trust Risk Manager I help to ensure our hospitals and clinical support services have the most effective tools and behaviours to identify and minimise risk. Typically this takes the form of developing strategy and policy, training, evaluating current practise and reviewing vast amounts of risk registers. 

When it comes to patient experience how do you and your team ensure the patient has a positive experience? 

Improving the way we all identify and minimise risk leads to a safer organisation in which patients can be cared for, staff can work and the public can visit. 

Has there been a situation that has really ‘stuck with you’ in your role, that you would like to share?

The continued enthusiasm and passion of colleagues to do risk management as effectively as possible.

How can staff ensure they receive the right risk management training?

The new risk management training clearly targets four staff groups: Managers; Governance Leads/ Governance Specialists, Senior Managers and all staff (who are neither Managers, Governance Leads or Senior Managers). Simply follow the links on the Risk Management pages on We Share.

If you would like staff to take away one from reading the risk management pages, what would it be?

All staff have a duty and a responsibility to be ‘safety aware’ and to co-operate in the identification and minimisation of risks. 

What WeCare value do you align with the most? Welcoming, engaging, collaborative, accountable, respectful, or equitable?

Engaging. Continuous improvement and bringing others with us on the improvement journey are at the heart of our Risk Management Strategy. 

What do you love about the role?

That special ‘light bulb’ moment when colleagues realise that risk management is not just a tick box exercise, but will actually make their lives easier by giving them control, and helping them to achieve their objectives.


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